Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey, ham, rice, and a big spicy beige thing with a tail...

I'm willing to guess that you didn't have this diverse a Thanksgiving feast...but for us, these were all part of our Thanksgiving festivites. Matt and Agatha Walton were VERY gracious and invited us over to Agatha's parents' house for dinner today. We were excited to be a part of their day...although most of the excitement came from the 5 children under the age of 6 running around and making faces at the camera! However, to fully understand our situation, you must understand a couple things...1. It was a potluck dinner (which wasn't a bad thing) 2. Agatha's family is Korean...this provided a different spin to your traditional Thanksgiving feast. While we did have ham, turkey, mashed potates, cranberry salad and pumpkin pie, we also had a soup with tofu, lots of rice, spicy pickles, and the above mentioned beige food, which we agreed wasn't bad.

Agatha's family was wonderful, and they were kind enough to translate the prayer into English for the four non-Korean speakers in the house. We looked at pictures from Agatha's sister's wedding, relaxed, and tried to figure out what we really ate. We appreciated that Matt didn't always know either.

We arrived home today with an eclectic bag of large beige things though. It was a great and memorable Thanksgiving Day adventure.

Even though you all had different circumstances, we hope and pray you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. God's blessings!

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